First Quarter Performance Report
The Laurens County Sheriff’s Department has released its first quarterly performance metrics under the new administration. Sheriff Don Reynolds provided the following statement regarding these statistics:
“One of the major campaign promises I made to the citizens of Laurens County was to provide
ongoing statistics of the performance of the Sheriff’s Office. I am proud to present the information
from 1st quarter 2017 in regards to the number of events handled by the Sheriff’s Office. My intent
is to provide a broader accounting of our performance, but we are still working with Mr. Joey Avery
with 911 Dispatch to receive the details regarding response times. This information is critical in
assessing the results of our re-allocation of manpower to increase the number of road deputies, as
well as the performance of our zone coverage. I am proud of the men and women out here working
hard for our citizens. They have accomplished a lot over the last 90 days.”
This first performance report consists of the total number of calls made into Laurens County Dispatch from the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office. The calls include E-911 calls, traffic stops, warrant service, civil papers and follow-up calls by the Criminal Investigations Division working on active cases. As the only current benchmark, the events have been compared to those of the same period in 2016.
Total Events 1st Quarter

As of March 31, 2017, the Judicial Services Division has served 1257 civil papers, compared to 954 for the entire year of 2016. There were 2697 case numbers generated in the first quarter of 2017 compared to 777 for the same period in 2016. The mission of Sheriff Don Reynolds and the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office is to be active in the communities of Laurens County now and going forward and to make the most efficient and effective use of the available resources to serve the citizens of Laurens County.