Drug Charges

On July 8, 2018 the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office responded to 205 Relax Street in the Waterloo area of Laurens County to assist the South Carolina Highway Patrol with the execution of an arrest warrant on Kristopher Damian Burton. The wanted person, Kristopher Damian Burton (37 years old) was known to be at this residence by the Troopers. Three troopers and one deputy sheriff went to the residence and located Burton in the master bedroom of the residence where he locked himself inside once he’d observed the officers. After talking with Burton through the door he surrendered without incident. At this time a firearm and drug paraphernalia were located by officers as well as another individual, Kerrie Rena Wilson. Wilson had hidden herself in the rear of a closet under clothing. It was at this time Investigators with the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office obtained a search warrant for the residence which led to charging Kristopher Damian Burton and 39 year old Kerrie Rena Wilson with Possession with intent to Distribute Methamphetamine and Possession of Steroids. Burton was also charged with Unlawful Possession of a weapon, as a handgun was recovered as well. Burton was transported to the Greenwood County Detention Center to answer for the original SCHP warrant and Wilson was transported to the Laurens County Detention Center.
“It absolutely pleases me to see the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office working so well with other agencies and bringing about change where it’s needed. When law enforcement works together the community observes those changes as well.” - Sheriff Don Reynolds