Medicine Disposal Bin
The Laurens County Sheriff’s Office now has a Medicine Disposal Bin for the disposal of unused or unwanted prescription medications. The drug drop box has been installed in the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office, which is located at 216 North Main Street, Laurens, SC. Its purpose is to make disposal more convenient for residents and more efficient for law enforcement. The new drop box is available Monday through Friday between 9am and 4:30pm. There are two main reasons for the collection and proper disposal of medications. First, removing these drugs from your house can reduce the likelihood of family or guests using the prescriptions in a way that leads to addiction or continued use of illicit drugs, and accidental poisoning and overdose. Second, these drugs should not be placed in the trash or flushed down the toilet since they cannot be removed by landfills, sewage treatment plants, or septic systems and are released into our water supplies.
In February, the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office applied for a grant from KidsCents and the Rite Aid Foundation requesting this disposal bin. The Rite Aid Foundation, whose moto is “Keeping kids safe makes sense to us” granted the LCSO this disposal bin at no cost to the office or Laurens County citizens. Sheriff Reynolds stated, “This Office understands the devastating effects of prescription drugs in our community. The fact is, drugs have taken a terrible toll on Laurens County. This disposal box is just one step in helping control this problem around citizens’ homes.”